Strategic Trading | All you need to support your trading in 1 - organized - customizable place ↴
<aside> 📜 ST Daily Manual
Get Your Head in the Game | Daily reality check for optimal state of mind by Strategic Trading ↴
** I Understand the Absolute Necessity of these Principles of Consistent Success & therefore I NEVER VIOLATE THEM! **
Losses are inevitable
Trust your skills & understand it won't be perfect
There's a direct relation between cognitive states - physical & mental: Our cognitive system rewards us for hard work = engaging in energy consuming activities mental/physical removes negative emotional states & replaces with positive ones (work, gym, books, etc.)
There's a bunch of opportunities all the time
You Don't need to catch every move to be successful
Making money is more important then being right
If a trade goes against your direction / under water for a while - you’re probably NOT right
Compound knowledge & experience - focus on Positive Processes OVER TIME
1% of skill or knowledge earned will go a long way in the future
“We are what we do, day by day, so excellence is not an act, but a habit.”
Imagine 2 boats parallel at an open sea. you know going exactly straight will bring you to your desired destination. But its enough for just 1 boat to turn just 1 degree to set them apart for thousands of miles in the long run
Life is a constant decision making process every second, that each decides your far future. You can sit and watch TV - and then decide not to do it anymore and open a book instead.
*Ask yourself which Decision Serves You Better - your Health / Relationships / Intellect / Finances
Recent Reminders
<aside> 🔖 ST Strategy Guide
Build your own strategy | Template for a trade plan by Strategic Trading ↴
Go backtest it after building a plan and fill the success rate column at the end.
Test it’s results using this ↴
<aside> 🧪 ST Backtesting Sheet
Test Your Strategies | Simple & Effective Backtesting Sheet by Strategic Trading.
If it’s working, record your
real trades with this ↴
Record Your Trades | Simple & Effective Trade Journal by Strategic Trading. Learn more here ↴
Powerful & FREE Trade Journal 📝
<aside> <img src="/icons/verified_blue.svg" alt="/icons/verified_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Habit Tracker
Track Your Habits | Simple & Effective Habit Tracker by Strategic Trading ↴
The buttons will only affect Today’s checkboxes ↴
<aside> <img src="/icons/trophy_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/trophy_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Goal Tracker
Track Your Goals | The Perfect Goal Tracker by Strategic Trading ↴
Add Tasks for
each goal here ↴
<aside> 🎯 ST Indicators
Powerful Indicators | Available on TradingView by Strategic Trading ↴
EMA Pro — Indicator by AlexShech
Support & Resistance PRO
Support & Resistance PRO — Indicator by AlexShech
Strategic & Practical Trading Education
Strategic Trading | Trading Strategies
<aside> <img src="/icons/signature-document_red.svg" alt="/icons/signature-document_red.svg" width="40px" /> Futures Contracts Sizes
<aside> 🧠 Personal Review